To say that the end of the calendar year is a busy time for church financial departments is an understatement. This checklist of calendar year-end financial tasks will help you stay on track and be organized in 2020. From CapinCrouse. (Illustration: AJ Cann, Creative Commons)
Boost year-end giving with a project or idea
Less than 10 weeks will usher in 2019 — do you have a strategy for year-end giving? Why not give your parishioners a project or an idea to fund? Retire the mortgage? Remodel the sanctuary? Raise enough to hire a youth worker? This article from Church Law & Tax has great ideas on selecting and […]
Coming Up Short in December
Many churches come to year’s end realizing that a special effort is necessary to ensure that all the bills will be paid. Churches react in different ways to such a situation. Some reactions are healthy; some are not. This article from the United Methodist Church explores the issue. (Photo by Stuart Pilbrow used under a […]