What’s the state of health for your body? Your relationships? Your feelings? Your surroundings? Other areas? The Wellness Toolkits from the National Institutes of Health can help you find out. Use these for yourself and tell invite your congregants about them. (Photo: Joshua Smith, Creative Commons)
Circadian rhythms and stress
Scientists have long known about the connection between circadian rhythms and performance, but recent research finds that saving stressful meetings, appointments, and encounters for afternoon or early evening may be healthier for you. Learn more about how to harness your body’s natural rhythms to reduce your metabolic stress load and be a healthier, rested, and […]
Breathe your way to better health
How you breathe is critical to health and wellness. This article explains the science behind breathing and how it can promote wellness while also suggesting exercises that may help reduce inflammation, high blood pressure, digestive upset, and other conditions. (Photo: Shawn Rossi, Creative Commons)
Eat better to live longer and slim down
When it comes to living longer–and feeling healthier, happier and slimmer in the meantime–your fate has never been more firmly in your hands. Research indicates that no matter your genetic predispositions, you can take real steps toward reducing your risk of dying early (even down to turning off your fat genes) by tweaking your lifestyle and […]
Take Good Care of You!
Lectionary Reflection for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 22, 2012
Jesus encouraged his disciples to rest and care for themselves so that they could better care for others. How are we as individuals, leaders, and congregations encouraging good self-care stewardship practices? Read on for more information! (Photo by HaPe_Gera used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Wellness and a Broken Sea Shell?
20th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Oct. 10, 2010
What does a battered but beautiful sea shell have to do with faith and wellness? Is it possible to be healed, made whole in Christ, without pain and scars being removed? Read on to find out.