Capital campaigns can be confusing, especially for congregations that have never had one. Vanco Payments has compiled this FAQ to help leaders understand exactly what goes into a capital campaign. (Photo: Stephen Yeargin, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Capital campaigns can be confusing, especially for congregations that have never had one. Vanco Payments has compiled this FAQ to help leaders understand exactly what goes into a capital campaign. (Photo: Stephen Yeargin, Creative Commons)
The IRS-required year-end giving statement can do much more than simply tell donors how much they have contributed in the past year. It can be a tool to thank and invites future donations. From Vanco. (Photo: Karolina Grabowska,
Theory is great, but putting it into practice is even better. Here are eight steps you and your leadership team can follow to develop a written theology of stewardship to guide and grow your church’s culture of generosity. By Horizons Stewardship’s Joel Mikell, via Vanco. (Photo: Photo (c) Keren Tan, ShareAlike License)