‘Just Living Blog’
It’s day one of the SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge, and our SOLI blogger Sharron is ready! Why don’t you join her for the journey?
The Many Faces of Mercy
Lectionary Reflection for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost Year C
How about taking a slightly different approach to this week’s texts? Consider as the key point that God does provide and mercy has a face–yours.
SNAP to It: The June Food Stamp Challenge
‘Just Living’ Blog
Do you relish a challenge? Do you consider poverty an issue of justice? If so, consider joining Sharron and others around the country for the June Food Stamp Challenge. Just how low can you go with your food budget?
What to do with more time than money? Help yourself to good health!
‘Just Living’ Blog
The way to good health is often simpler than we like to think. Read on for tips and ideas that are inexpensive and accessible for almost everyone.
Stewardship, Faith and Life
By Duane Engelhardt
I believe that the church can be a relevant force in the life of our members by proclaiming a significantly broader interpretation of stewardship. This interpretation can be a meaningful model to vitalize the lives of our members and to grow in our faith. We are called to be good stewards of the Gospel and to proclaim the risen Christ.
Commencement Advice for Every Day
‘IT’S PERSONAL’ BLOG OK, graduates, listen up! This is your big day at last. It’s time to get out there in the world and make a difference! Pursue your dreams! Shoot for the stars! Aim high! The world is your oyster! Set lofty goals! The sky’s the limit! Let your vision be your guide! But […]
What to do with more time than money? Cultivate Relationships
‘Just Living’ Blog
Like gardens, relationships bloom when well-tended. When you have the gift of more time than money, be sure you put that time to good use cultivating valued relationships with family, friends, and community.
Taking Stock: Your Faith Life?
When you have more time than money, take stock of your faith life. If you find a disconnect that’s as dingy as gray laundry, try incorporating prayer, study of scripture, and community into your regular routine. Read on for the details.
The Gift of Water (Living and Otherwise)
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C
This week’s texts speak of unity in Christ and living water freely given to all who are thirsty. Christians today have the opportunity both to point to the Living Water and to see that all of God’s children have access to clean water. Share the good news, and give so that others may live.
What to do with more time than money? Take Stock!
Think about it: retail operations take inventory on a regular basis, businesses undergo financial audits each year, and employers conduct performance reviews of those in their employ. It makes sense that we as individuals should engage in a period of discernment or “taking stock” of our lives.