Earning just 24 cents per hour as incarcerated persons, a group of inmates saved their money to provide Christmas baskets for less fortunate inmates. We can learn much from their generosity and embodiment of a pure spirit of Christmas.
Your Children Learn About Giving … from You!
In the days of yore, kids would see their parents put their envelopes in the offering plate. Now in the age of direct-deposit checking and automatic charitable contributions, it takes some extra effort to teach children about giving and to model generosity for them, says this writer from U.S. Catholic. (Photo: Barney Moss, Creative Commons)
Maxed Out: Teach the Spiritual Cost of Debt
In the seemingly affluent United States, out-of-control debt is sort of a quiet monster. It’s sleeping in the suburbs, lurking in the cities, and stalking many working Christians. The good news is that some wise churches are taking on this monster, helping God’s people to manage their money and teaching them how to put their […]