The pandemic’s winding down and the summer’s winding up. It’s time to rehab and repair our relationships. June’s Stewardship Toolkit explores the issue with a newsletter article and RCL-based “stewardship snippets” for Sunday bulletins. (Photo: Per Erik Strandberg, Creative Commons)
May Toolkit: Stewards of our elders’ wisdom
The May edition of the Stewardship Toolkit explores the wisdom we receive from the mother and father figures in our lives, congregations, and communities. We need it now more than ever! The toolkit consists of a ready-to-use newsletter article and RCL-based Sunday bulletin snippets.
‘Stewards of the natural world’ is April Toolkit theme
Care of God’s creation is turning out to be THE most important issue of our lifetime. SOLI’s stewardship toolkit explores the theme “Stewards of the natural world,” with a newsletter article, RCL-based “stewardship snippets” for Sunday bulletins and resources to dig in deeper. (Photo: Ken, Creative Commons)
Toolkit urges ‘second-mile’ giving as Lenten practice
Here is your free March 2021 “Stewardship Toolkit,” with an original newsletter article, RCL-based Sunday-bulletin “Snippets” and resources to explore the theme. For Lent we urge God’s people to help their neighbors who are suffering because of the pandemic. (Photo: Tiffany Whitehead, Creative Commons)
‘Share Your Harvest’ is October Toolkit theme
Fall is the time for “Harvest Festivals,” but with so many of our siblings hurting from the Covid-19 crisis, it’s a ripe time to urge people to share their plenty with those in need. That’s the theme for October’s free Stewardship Toolkit, which includes an original newsletter article, Sunday bulletin snippets and more. (Photo: Neil […]