Revised Common Lectionary Reflection for Proper 8 (13), Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 30, 2019
What is your calling? Some of us can answer quite readily with a call to ministry, especially if we’re the ones who stand in the pulpit and who preside at the Lord’s Table. But here’s the thing: We all have a call to follow Jesus, to live by the Spirit, and to walk with God. Our work matters. (Photo: eppytx, Creative Commons)
Called from Death to Life
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 5, 2016
We never know how God’s going to show up and change our trajectory. Just look at how the lives of the widows were altered. The best thing we can do is be ready to give it all up and give it all away for the sake of the gospel. In dying to that which really doesn’t matter anyway, we are freed in Christ to truly live. (Photo: Lucas H S Gulmaraes, Creative Commons)
I Get Knocked Down…
Time after Pentecost Lectionary 10 Reflection, June 9, 2013
A lot of really good stuff is happening in today’s lessons. From dis-ease and death to hope and healing, we have reason to rejoice and sing. We may get knocked down by life, but God will lift us up again. Scroll down for worship ideas and suggestions for time with children and youth.