Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer, and churches know that means to expect a couple months of lower offerings. What to do? Hand-wringing is useless, but Temple Management Consulting offers some good tips. (Photo: 19Melissa68, Creative Commons)
Srategies to accelerate summer offerings
People go on vacation during the summer, and unfortunately so do their offerings. But that need not be the case. Horizons stewardship offers four proven strategies to mitigate anxiety and enable your church to experience a stronger summer season of giving.(Photo: Jo Naylor, Creative Commons)
Encourage Folks to Give Through the Summer
You know the drill: Summer vacations and relaxations mean that attendance will drop — and so will regular giving! This year encourage your congregants to keep up their giving through the summer, and empower them with ideas and ways to do it. (Maybe it’s time finally to put in that electronic giving option you’ve been thinking about!) Here are some things to think about. This article is written so you can cut and paste it into your congregational newsletter, bulletin or website.