You’ve tried sermons, campaigns, special offerings — the works — and biblical stewardship is still not part of your church’s culture. Stewardship isn’t a once-and-done endeavor, nor is it entirely about tithing, giving or your church’s budget. Stewardship will become woven through your church’s culture only when you embrace it as multifaceted, holistic and ongoing, says […]
Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela
What does it take to be a courageous, prophetic, risk-taking, love-filled servant of Jesus Christ? Nelson Mandela can certainly provide some insights. StewardshipCentral assembled 15 quotations from the late South African leader whose lifelong fight for freedom earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. Which do you find most inspiring? (Photo:, Creative Commons)
A Stewardship Ministry Will Transform Your Church
Launching a stewardship ministry is just one way for your church to gain strength and vitality. This is what stewardship ministry is all about: Giving people practical tools to live life on purpose. I’m talking about finances, yes, but not just finances. We want our members to parent on purpose, love on purpose, and show up […]