Wondering how to tackle even the basics of planned giving to ensure your congregation’s future ministry and mission? Check out this informative webinar from the Episcopal Church Foundation!

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Wondering how to tackle even the basics of planned giving to ensure your congregation’s future ministry and mission? Check out this informative webinar from the Episcopal Church Foundation!
Canon Trevor Stubbs, who teaches at a college in South Sudan, shares four things we can learn from refugees about stewardship and generosity. (Photo: European Commission, Creative Commons)
It’s not rocket science, but Derek Olsen’s thoughts on such topics as spending and debt bear frequent repeating. After all, there’s always room for improvement! (Photo: Steven DePolo, Creative Commons)
What does it mean to have enough? Writer and retreat leader Erin S. Lane explores this question through scripture and observation of natural world and our human interactions. (Photo: Lisa L. Wiedmeier, Creative Commons)
Lectionary Reflection for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B
September 27, 2015
Do you occasionally pine for “the good old days”? Do you hear folks in the parish lament about the way things used to be? Moses heard the same thing. Thankfully, God is still up to new things in, with, through, and even in spite of us. What if we turned our “Oh, if only…” into “With God only”? (Photo: wsilver, Creative Commons)
There are pastors for administration, family and youth ministry, visitation, and outreach. Maybe it’s time to add stewardship pastors to the mix. Check out this article by William Vanderbloeme. You’ll even find a link to a job description. (Photo: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Creative Commons)
16th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year B, September 13, 2015
God has given us voices to be used in service of the good news of Jesus. One question this week’s lessons may invite is how are we using our “teacher’s tongue” to make a difference? A lot of words fill the air all around us, and not all of them are nice. Yes, a lot of responsibility comes with being given the “tongue of a teacher.” (Photo: Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Creative Commons)
The World Council of Churches and related ecumenical bodies have adopted a “Time for Creation” as an emphasis in the church year, from the beginning of the Eastern Orthodox liturgical year on 9/1 to the feast-day of Saint Francis observed by the Roman Catholic Church on 10/4.
Dr. Chuck Lawless believes people need “a vision…a challenge…a purpose” in order to give generously, and he offers 10 ideas to jump-start the process. Are you ready? (Photo: Kate Ter Haar, Creative Commons)
The writers of the Psalter understood a thing or two about awe. Now here’s scientific research showing how experiencing awe links us to others and makes us more generous. (Photo: Herman Pinera, Creative Commons)