Blessed Earth offers a great list of resources for lessons, activities, and books to teach children about creation care. You’re sure to find something useful! (Photo: d-olwen-dee, creative commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Blessed Earth offers a great list of resources for lessons, activities, and books to teach children about creation care. You’re sure to find something useful! (Photo: d-olwen-dee, creative commons)
Children are naturally curious and generous, so why not teach them to be good stewards of their gifts? This PDF brochure from the Presbyterian Church in Canada offers a number of ideas for how to help children understand Christian stewardship. (Photo by Richard Wagoner, used by Creative Commons license)
Here’s a complete introduction to stewardship for children with lesson, talent card, commitment form, activities, and suggestions for parents. The curriculum is a free downloadable PDF from the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. (Photo: AngryJulieMonday, Creative Commons)