At the end of your rope? In need of rescue? Don’t rely on a styrofoam ring or Life Saver candy; reach out to the One who offers real hope and lasting rescue. (Photo by Amanda Munoz used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
At the end of your rope? In need of rescue? Don’t rely on a styrofoam ring or Life Saver candy; reach out to the One who offers real hope and lasting rescue. (Photo by Amanda Munoz used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Passion/Palm Sunday, Year A, April 17, 2011
Everybody loves a parade, right? Ever wonder who picks up all the trash when the last marcher is long gone? This week Christians are reminded that Jesus picks up the refuse and sins we leave scattered in our wake. He is with us for hurrahs and heartaches, parades and pain. (Photo by Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
2nd Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 20, 2011
This week’s gospel contains perhaps the most “famous” verse in scripture AND its often overlooked counterpart. Just what are the limits of God’s love for the world? How do we measure and define them? Surely such love transcends the limits of limbo and human frailty! (Photo by Gil Megidish used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
The Rev. George Haynes
Are we allowed to do with our possessions what we want? And what belongs to us, and what belongs to God, anyway? When you look at the biblical witness, the answers are astounding.
By Lt. Col. David Penman
Any statement on stewardship must be kept in the context of who and whose we are. We are charged with taking care of things until Jesus comes again. But this is certainly not a passive supervision of God’s creation. We are all charged with doing his work.
James Murdoch examines through a theological lens what it means to be a faithful disciple of Christ and a good steward and challenges other Christians to do the same. Peruse the full text of his e-book Stewardship: A Way of Life for People and Churches at no cost or download for Christian education or church leadership retreats. (Photo by Alicia-Lee-07 used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Financial stewardship is not only a matter of faithful giving but of faithful living. In response to the gospel, we submit our lives to the rule of God, to the lordship of Christ, and to the direction of the Holy Spirit, so that we may be the people God wants us to be and have the lives God wants us to have.
When Pastor Jim Ortberg, editor-at-large of Leadership Journal, went on a seven-week sabbatical, he got a lot more than just some rest and relaxation. He learned a lesson on how to live. His advice speaks to all pastors and people of God. (Photo “Reflections in a Coffee Cup” by Gunjan Karun used by Creative Commons […]
‘It’s Personal’ Blog My spiritual life has recently been invigorated by a Springer Spaniel with an inquisitive mind, a super-sensitive nose and unwavering insistence. Charlie is a new addition to the household, and has daily needs that I must help him fulfill, lest my carpet and hardwood floors suffer the consequences. Charlie must be walked […]
‘IT’S PERSONAL’ Blog Catching her breath at the treadmill next to me, the woman in the pink tee shirt asked how long before she would see “results.” It was her first workout, she explained, and she was excited. Like a lot of people who come to the fitness room at the local YWCA, she was […]