‘Just Living’ Blog
Read “Karen’s” story. Chances are you know someone just like her. If you don’t, then maybe it’s time for you to get to know a Karen. Check out Barbara Ehrenreich’s thoughtful blog post, too.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 16
‘Just Living’ Blog
It took the sad but true tale of a bacon-thieving dog to cause our blogger to consider the collision course of greed and need on day 16 of the SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 15
‘Just Living’ Blog
Half way over or 15 more days to explore and learn? So much depends on how we look at any subject. What are you thinking about hunger and poverty? How are you helping to provide education and change?
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 13
‘Just Living’ Blog
Everyone needs a Sabbath, so today our blogger is taking a break from writing about the SNAP to it Challenge. You will find two links of interest–one about Sabbath-keeping and the other about free ways to relax and reduce stress. Enjoy!
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 12
‘Just Living’ Blog
To market, to market our blogger does go, and lots of her budget she quickly does blow! Even through grocery shopping is a little painful, there’s plenty for which to be grateful today–and a wonderful website. Read on!
SNAP to it Challenge–Day 11
‘Just Lliving’ Blog
On day 11 of the Snap to it Food Stamp Challenge, our blogger explores the idea that while it’s easy to swipe an EBT card, there’s a high cost attached to dignity; in fact, it’s priceless.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 10
‘Just Living’ Blog
One third of the way through the SNAP Challenge, our blogger ruminates on freedom of choice, how our choices are not value-neutral, and how what we choose makes a difference.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Nine
‘Just Living’ Blog
It’s day nine and our blogger has more questions than answers about hunger and how we address the needs of our sisters and brothers. The issue is a tangled web of increasing complexity.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Eight
‘Just Living’ Blog
On day eight of the SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge our blogger offers a brief history of food stamps in the USA along with links to more detailed information.
SNAP to it Challenge–Day Seven
‘Just Living’ Blog
Today our blogger shares some of her story and why she is so committed to issues of poverty, hunger, and justice. The subjects may be controversial but we refuse to dialogue and get to know our neighbors at our own peril.