Revised Common Lectionary Reflection, Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 26, 2019
As we mature in faith and open ourselves to the vastness of God, our job is to look around. Where do we see Jesus? The answer, of course, is everywhere in every atom and molecule of creation and in the faces of our neighbors. But like the toddler playing peek-a-boo with a beloved adult, we have to open our eyes and look. (Photo: Dennis Jarvis, Creative Commons)
The Trouble with Visions
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C, April 24, 2016
Christian activist Shane Claiborne says “The more I get to know Jesus, the more trouble he seems to get me into.” Yes, that’s the trouble with visions. They can lead to some truly unexpected results in strange ways by unexpected paths trodden. And that’s o.k. (Photo: Robert Crouse-Baker, Creative Commons)
Visions, Dreams, and Bold Response
Sixth Sunday of Easter Lectionary Reflection, May 5, 2013
What does it mean to have vision? How is God speaking to you and to your faith community? Who is that “man from Macedonia” in your dreams? Who or what is calling you to faithful action and holy response?