Simplicity is seeking first the Kingdom of God, Karen Wingate asserts in her Bible study on simple living. In it she looks at a number of topics that point to how Christians can discover simple living as a spiritual discipline.

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Simplicity is seeking first the Kingdom of God, Karen Wingate asserts in her Bible study on simple living. In it she looks at a number of topics that point to how Christians can discover simple living as a spiritual discipline.
Is there a better way to observe the coming of God into the world than engaging in an orgy of shopping and partying? Advent Conspiracy thinks so. It’s a movement to recapture meaning and purpose in the season run amok by consumerism. Check out their free resources.
Let’s face it: Life is very complicated at the moment! From politics to the economy to the environment to health, and on and on, we have a lot on our minds and plates. Author and pastor Richard Foster reflects on Christian simplicity. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)
What are the implications of being a disciple of Christ on our personal finance? Well, for starters, how we earn and use our money needs to align with our values. A Boston ministry is helping its members to see how their money, time and special abilities can be put to Godly purposes. From Faith & […]
Without deliberately cultivating contentment, it’s tough to successfully steward and appreciate God’s abundance all around us. Check out this article from Relevant Magazine that offers five simple practices leading to greater contentment. (Photo: Rachel Sarai, Creative Commons)
A family vacation can be a major summer expense, filled with unexpected costs. But if you can avoid these seven money traps you can come home with more cash in your pockets, says this article from (Photo by 19melissa68, used by Creative Commons license)
Gift-giving doesn’t have to be expensive. Check out this article about hand-made, home-crafted gifts. You can be a good steward of resources AND give meaningful, useful gifts that won’t end up in someone’s sock drawer or garbage can. (Photo: Muffet, Creative Commons)
Joshua Becker provides some telling statistics about holiday shopping and consumption and suggests alternative ways of approaching Christmas gift-giving and celebrating. How might you use this article to open a discussion in your context? (Photo: c_liecht, Creative Commons)
The new d0-it-yourself movement is reminding us that we do have alternatives. In addition to being fun, thrifty, and personal, making things yourself is immensely rewarding. Check out this article from MNN with abundant links. You’ll find suggestions for gifts, bread, toys, cosmetics, household cleaners, and much more. (Photo: chatirygirl, Creative Commons)
Adam Hamilton, pastor and author, reflects on how we are hardwired by God to be generous but fall prey to the voices of fear and self-gratification. Click here for more. Click here to learn about Hamilton’s book Enough. (Photo: Liz West, Creative Commons)