Through disinformation, lobbying and shady “advocacy,” green energy opponents are seeking to halt wind, solar and other renewable energy projects. The Sierra Club magazine reports. (Photo: PublicDomainPictures)
How climate change could sink the real estate market
Even as climate change ramped up in the last two decades, people flocked to environmentally sensitive areas. Now flooding and sea-level rise threatens to wipe out billions of dollars in investment. The Sierra Club reports. (Photo: US Geological Survey)
The IPCC says there’s still time. So now what?
The latest report from the International Protocol on Climate Change was full of warnings, but also hope. There are certainly steps that could be taken. The question is, will we take them? The Sierra Club analyzes.
Can we address the climate crisis by ‘degrowing’?
As threats from climate change loom, advocates are advancing “degrowth” as a solution. Rather than constant economic growth, focusing on how to thrive—economically and socially—within planetary boundaries. (USDA photo by Lance Cheung)
It’s someone else who pays for our ‘free shipping’
The boom in online retailing has led to a boom in trucking and warehousing that is harming the environment and health, especially in poorer communities. The Sierra Club reports. (Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko, Pexels)
2021’s most important environmental stories
As global environmental crisis continue imperil sustainable life on our planet, this year saw developments on many fronts. The Sierra Club gives a succinct summary of the good, the bad and the ugly of 2021. (Photo: Takver, Creative Commons)