RCL Reflection for Reformation Sunday Year A/21st Sunday after Pentecost Year A, October 25, 2020
Perhaps the reformation needed now is to use our freedom to love as Christ compels us. This love of God and neighbor is not optional; it is the very foundation of our faith and a visible, tangible sign of Christ’s body in the world. (Image: Elvert Barnes, Creative Commons)
Why reformation is good stewardship
RCL Reflection for October 27, 2019.
Are you ready to preach about the importance of ongoing reformation and the need for change? The unchanging love and grace of God serves as an anchor and north star to help us weather change and work for reformation. (Photo: Robert Couse-Baker, Creative Commons)
Freedom? What Freedom?
Reformation Sunday, Year C, October 30, 2016
Forget the vain promises of the world, the polarizing pander of candidates for public office, and the bootstraps mentality of contemporary culture. Real freedom is found only in deep relationship with God and with God’s people. (Photo: Osajus, Creative Commons)
Oh, the Options!
22nd Sunday after Pentecost & Reformation Sunday, October 25, 2015
The Good News of Jesus Christ is timeless and unchanging, but it aims to be presented in fresh, new ways that speak to every age and context. We can take a cue from Martin Luther and the other 16th century reformers and make good use of the tools available to us, especially this Sunday when we have some very good choices for lessons and celebrations. (Photo: Daniel Oines, Creative Commons)