Revised Common Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, June 18, 2017
Faithful ministry and mission in the 21st century is an uncertain (and potentially volatile) mix of sound management and radical risk-taking. This week’s gospel lesson can instill either terror or radical risk-taking into everyday disciples and congregational leaders. Let’s shake the dust of fear off and fling wide the doors to go forth into a hurting and needy world. (Photo: Paxson Woelber, Creative Commons)
Knit Together as One
Revised Common Lectionary reflection, Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 28, 2017
Listen. Can you hear the voice of Jesus praying for you? Can you feel yourself surrounded by his love for you and for this world? Can you feel in the words of John’s gospel this week what it means to be in Christ, to be covered with his abiding love and the divine desire for relationship? Can you sense the power of prayer as these words enter your mind, heart, and being? Listen again. Breathe in the power of prayer. Now, go and share that power with others so that all may know Christ’s love. (Photo: David Morris, Creative Commons)
Beyond Unbelief: An Evangelism Lesson from Thomas
RCL reflection, 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year A, April 23, 2017
Like Jesus inviting Thomas to reach out and touch his wounds, we must be willing to invite people into our lives. What they know of Jesus may be only what they see in those who call themselves “Christians.” That means we have both great opportunity and great responsibility, and that my friends is an act of stewardship. (Photo: Doubting Thomas, painting by Caravaggio)