Revised Common Lectionary Reflection, Christ the King Sunday, Year B, November 25, 2018
On this last Sunday of the church year, consider what it means to leave a legacy—both as people of faith individually and as the beloved community gathered in a particular place and time. If our legacy is comprised of everything we believe, say, and do, then truly considering our legacy is a lifelong work of subversive stewardship and discipleship in grateful response to our uncommon king. (Photo: Yaffa Phillips, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
Not From Around These Parts
Lectionary Reflection for Christ the King Sunday, Year B
November 22, 2015
We Christians should be perceived as odd folk. Our Lord surely stood out as different. And we know the truth he proclaimed. Therefore, we should claim our identity as odd folk from a different reality. After all, we’re not from around these parts. (Photo: Alias 0591, Creative Commons)