Narrative Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year Three, July 9, 2017
This week we finish our summer Psalm series, and we end on a high note—a note of praise and hallelujah. Imagine how much better our world could be if we always ended on a note of praise with a song of joy and thanksgiving on our lips? What if we trusted God enough to offer our praise and thanksgiving no matter what our situation? (Photo: Derek Bridges, Creative Commons)
Lighten Up and Let Loose the Praise
Second Sunday of Easter, Year C, April 3, 2016
The “alleluias” are back, and are they ever plentiful! They sound pretty good at the Easter festival services, but have you noticed how they tend to lose their vim and vigor as the weeks go by? Why is that, and what can we do about it?