RCL reflection for Proper 28, Year C
November 13, 2022
In today’s world, doing the right thing can be tough –- tough to discern, tough to put into practice, and tough to practice consistently. Living as God’s people, called to live counter-culturally, takes courage, vision, strength and perseverance. (Photo: rosemilkinabottle, Creative Commons)
Burning down the house
RCL Lectionary Reflection, Proper 28 (33), Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, November 17, 2019
We as the church face some stiff challenges, but that’s okay. There’s nothing that God cannot make a way from, and we are promised that God will never leave us. Even if our structures crumble and burn to the ground, the Spirit will resurrect something new from the ashes. Are we ready for God to do a new thing? (Photo: Peter Kaminski, Creative Commons)