RCL reflection for Proper 27, Year B. What does our giving say about our faith commitment and priorities? Good questions for any of God’s people. The stories of two widows in this Sunday’s lections reveal much. The Rev. Robert Blezard explores. (Photo: Creative Commons)
The Mightiness of Mites
RCL reflection, 26th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 27, Year B, Nov. 11, 2018
This Sunday imagine just what kind of “might” a mite might have, especially when one’s mites are given and shared in right relationship and in response to God’s abundant love and grace. When we put our trust in Jesus, we may find ourselves free to be that widow with her head held high, her hand open to share, with an eye toward justice. (Photo: Siembra Conmigo, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
The Abundant Life
Lectionary Reflection for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, November 8, 2015
This week’s readings bring us glimpses of two widows: two women on the margins who nonetheless manage to see abundance rather than scarcity. To first century audiences, their situations would have appeared hopeless and their choices absurd—give away all your money or share your last bit of food with a stranger. How will our congregants hear these stories today? (Photo: olearys, Creative Commons)
When Less is More
25th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, November 11, 2012
What if less really is more, especially when we entrust all that we have to God? Do we dare risk life abundant? (Photo by Jarkko Laine)