Every life a sermon? Something brings people through the doors of our churches, and it probably isn’t our preaching, no matter how stellar. More likely it is the witness of friend and neighbor, a life on fire for the gospel and filled with love. (Photo by Steve Snodgrass used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Heavenly Hushpuppies and Crumbs of Grace
“We are beggars; this is true” are among the last words supposedly written by Martin Luther. In this week’s gospel reading we see both sides of the table–insider and outsider–and we play both roles in this life. Photo by Clevergrrl used under Creative Commons license. Thanks!
Trust, Obey, and Get the Lead Out
This week’s texts are both tough and meaty. Trust, obedience, or hospitality…what’s a preacher to choose? This may be one Sunday when a combo platter is in order for your sermon selection.
Go, Church!
Pentecost, Year A, June 12, 2011
Does Pentecost rank in its proper place among the “big three” Christian festivals in your context? If not, maybe it’s time to rethink the approach to this important day. (Photo by andycoan used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
The Unlikely Power of Humility
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A, June 5, 2011
Humility is more powerful than most people imagine. For the Christian humility can help one navigate the waters of an often difficult and hostile world. This Sunday’s epistle offers the perfect opportunity to talk about this trait as leaders and disciples. (Photo used under Creative Commons License)
Bones, Boldness, and Belief
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A, April 10, 2011
If cadaver bone can bring healing and new life to broken joints and torn ligaments, how much more can the Holy Spirit do with our dry bones and brittle dreams? If your faith community is low on hope and high on anxiety, these texts may be just the ticket. Read on! (Photo by Sharon Mollerus used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Here, There, and Everywhere
This week John calls us to repent, to turn, to do something new. God is on the loose in the world–here, there, and everywhere. Maybe we should get serious about looking for that kingdom of heaven come near. (Photo by Per Ola Wiberg, used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Christ the King Sunday, Year A, Nov.21, 2010
Lectionary Reflection
What kind of king are you preaching about this Sunday? Are you ready to let Jesus out of the comfortable box in which we like humans like to keep him? The texts this week give you every chance to do so.
Preaching what we don’t Practice?
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 22, 2010
Lectionary Reflection
Are you bound in your preaching and teaching by a lack of consistent practice or by the cares of your parish and the world? This week’s texts invite us to be healed, to delight in God, and to rejoice.
Mary Enters the Kingdom
Sunday, Aug. 15, 2010
Mary, Mother of Our Lord
Advent in August? The Scripture for the festival of the Assumption of Mary takes the Magnificat out of its Christmasy context. Amid Lukan readings in Ordinary Time, it speaks even more loudly about God’s agenda.