Pope Francis has followed up “Laudato Si,” his landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment, with practical steps for achieving sustainability. Called “Journey for the Care of the Common Home,” the document provides guidance God’s people concerned about creation, Religion News Service reports. (Photo: Aleteia Image Department, Creative Commons)
True wealth found in Jesus, not money, says Pope
The Gospel teaches to not put trust in financial resources, but in “the true wealth” that is a relationship with Jesus Christ, Pope Francis said. “We are indeed – as St. Paul would say – ‘poor, but capable of enriching many; as people who have nothing and instead possess everything.’” (Photo: Semilla Luz, Creative Commons)
Pope Francis’ Lenten Message of Creation
Pope Francis issued a letter and released a video for Lent this past week touching on issues of creation care. We can learn from the Pope’s message strategy. Creation care is universal and involves everyone because it impacts everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. (Photo: Semilla Luz, Creative Commons)
Francis Calls for Protecting Creation
“A Christian who does not protect Creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who does not care about the work of God,” Pope Francis declared in a homily. Human sinfulness has led to environmental degradation, and he called for Christians to care. (Photo by Semilla Luz, used by Creative Commons license)
Pope Calls for Compasion, Care for Poor
Market speculation and pursuit of profits are hindering the global fight against hunger and poverty, Pope Francis told a U.N. conference in Rome on nutrition. He urged the world’s wealthiest nations to do more to help those in need, says this Religion News Service report. (Photo by Alan Light, used by Creative Commons license)
The Economist accuses Pope Francis of ‘following Lenin’
First, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck labeled Pope Francis a Marxist. Now, The Economist is accusing him of following Vladimir Lenin. The respected financial magazine accused the pope of following the founder of Soviet communism in adopting an “ultra radical line” on capitalism. From Religion News Service. (Photo by Semilla Luz, used by Creative Commons license)
Pope Francis on Environmentalism
No surprise that Pope Francis, who has renewed Christian concern for the poor, also has deep concern for the environment. Here, from Catholic Climate Covenant, is a wide assortment of Pope Francis’ teachings on the environment. (Photo by Semilla Luz, used by Creative Commons license)
Serving the Poor, Pope Francis-Style
For young, progressive Catholics in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (founded in 1956 to help college students help the poor), the new pope is inaugurating a new era: one where the issues that matter to them are back in the spotlight, says this article from The Atlantic. (Photo by John Ragai, used by Creative Commons license. […]