If churches are to help a new generation of givers embrace pledging, it’s critical to frame the conversation around spiritual rather than institutional needs. Pledging is a vital spiritual discipline that helps us grow in generosity and faith. The Lewis Center for Church Leadership explains.
Consider shifting your pledges to the New Year
Fall is the time that most churches ask congregants to return pledges or estimates of giving. But for a lot of reasons the timetable’s not ideal, says Horizons Stewardship, which suggests moving the pledging window to January or February. This insightful article tells you why.
Pledging: Should Clergy Know?
The question comes up eventually in about every church: Should the pastor know what each family gives? There are certainly pros and cons to both sides of the issue, as this article from the Episcopal Church Foundation points out. (Photo by TaxRebate.org.uk, used by permission)
The Positives of Pledging
By Clint Schroeder In my 30-plus years of being involved in stewardship programming across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, I have heard a lot of comments about pledging. Many were negative. Let me proclaim the positives of pledging: Pledging is spiritual Pledging is discipline Pledging is practical Giving the first fruits […]