Easter is one of two Sundays when you can count on a larger-than usual crowd in church, so it’s wise to think plan for a big offering. But how? Writing in The Stewardship Journal, Mark Brooks offers some insights. (Photo: Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Easter is one of two Sundays when you can count on a larger-than usual crowd in church, so it’s wise to think plan for a big offering. But how? Writing in The Stewardship Journal, Mark Brooks offers some insights. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Don’t waste those precious moments just before the ushers start to pass the collection plates — use them for “a call to offering” or “stewardship meditation.” You can help set the tone for generosity and cheerful giving. From the Center for Faith & Giving. (Photo by Lisafx, via Bigstock.com)
Many churches calculate their needed monthly offering simply by dividing the yearly budget by 12, and yet everyone knows that the actual giving tends to differ by month and season. There are better ways to calculate what is an adequate gift for any given month, according the United Methodist Church.