The pandemic may be officially over, but Coronavirus is still very much with us. Why are some people more susceptible than others? What is the best way to keep yourself safe? This FAQ from National Public Radio help you navigate the current world of Covid. (Photo: Creative Commons)
‘Prescribing’ fruits and vegetables leads to better heart health
A new study concluded that when doctors prescribed fresh fruits and vegetables to patients, they showed better health hearts. What might a better diet do for your heart? Read or listen to this NPR report. (Photo: Creative Commons)
As We Become Richer, Do We Become Stingier?
As people become wealthier, they tend to think in more individualistic terms and they become less responsive to needs of community, say researchers studying the habits of people in different income groups. One theory? Poor people need to rely on others, and so they weave a tighter social fabric. Fascinating story you an read or listen to.