Alcohol is one of the most widely used and abused drugs in the world. When does alcohol consumption become a problem, and what to do about it? This National Institutes of Health brochure explains. Download and use at your church. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Keep your brain active and strong as you age
Many of us worry about losing cognitive function as we age, but that’s hardly inevitable. By paying attention to our overall wellness and adopting some healthy habits, we can keep our brain nimble and active. This article from the National Institutes of Health suggests how. (Photo: oddharmonic, Creative Commons)
Use these guides to get to ‘Your Healthiest Self’
What’s the state of health for your body? Your relationships? Your feelings? Your surroundings? Other areas? The Wellness Toolkits from the National Institutes of Health can help you find out. Use these for yourself and tell invite your congregants about them. (Photo: Joshua Smith, Creative Commons)
Why You Need a Good Night’s Sleep
Of course, sleep helps you feel rested each day. But while you’re sleeping, your brain and body are hard at work throughout the night to heal you, strengthen you, and make you tip-top, says this article from the National Institutes of Health. Learn the benefits of healthy sleep and how to achieve it. (Photo: Meagan, […]