Every congregation has a compelling story of faith and impact. A narrative budget helps to communicate that story and provides opportunities to show and celebrate how God is at work. The Evangelical Covenant Church explores.
Think beyond the line item – a narrative budget
A narrative budget helps folks connect the congregation’s finances with the mission that we are accomplishing in the world. The Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation has a nice package of resources to get you started. (Photo: Taxcredit, Creative Commons)
‘Narrative budgeting’ helps simplify church finance`
Many church members become fuzzy-minded looking at a line-item budget. This year try a ‘narrative budget’ that connects offerings to vital ministries. From Center for Faith & Giving. (Photo: Chris Potter, Creative Commons)
Try a narrative budget for your church this year
People’s eyes generally glaze over when they see a church’s line-item budget. What do all those numbers and categories mean? It’s daunting! A narrative budget helps explain finances in a way people can readily understand … and get behind! From the Center on Faith and Giving.
Building a Narrative Budget
Many congregations have discovered the narrative budget as a way of talking about the needs of the church to carry out its mission. Rather than a spreadsheet that lists columns and columns of numbers, the narrative budget tells the story of the congregation’s mission and service and how the budget components contribute. (Photo by Howard […]