Vegetarian diets are generally healthier for you than diets that include animal products, but some vegetarians rely too heavily on processed foods, which can be high in calories, sugar, fat and sodium. Careful planning can optimize the health benefits. This article from the Mayo Clinic tells how.
Help your children avoid harmful screen time
Pediatricians are sounding the alarm that too much screen time is unhealthy for infants, children and youth, and so is inappropriate or poor quality content. What’s a parent to do? This article from the Mayo Clinic offers great tips on how to handle the challenge. (Photo: Treehouse1977, Creative Commons)
Take up yoga to fight stress and improve health
Yoga is an ancient mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation. This article from the Mayo Clinic says that yoga may help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and lower your heart rate. Moreover, it helps improve flexibility in muscles and joints and can reduce risk for many chronic ailments. And […]