Lutherans Restoring Creation, a grassroots movement, has put together a detailed organizing guide for congregations that to get their members involved and active in environmental causes. Excellent resource! (Photo: Michael Coghlan, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Lutherans Restoring Creation, a grassroots movement, has put together a detailed organizing guide for congregations that to get their members involved and active in environmental causes. Excellent resource! (Photo: Michael Coghlan, Creative Commons)
Check out the Video Blogs from Lutherans Restoring Creation, posted by Gabrielle Irle, the organization’s Outreach Coordinator. From the family farm in Washington State, Gabrielle speaks about their work and everyday creation care.
Who are Lutherans Restoring Creation? It’s a grassroots movement to help God’s people learn about how — and why — we should care for the one and only planet God has given us. Lots of excellent resources to explore.
Save energy, save money, save the planet! Now that’s a triple scoop of eco-goodness! Lutherans Restoring Creation teamed up with the US Department of Energy to craft this guide, filled with ideas, inspirations and links for deeper diving.
You want your church to do something for the environment, but where to start? This page from Lutherans Restoring Creation has lots of ideas and links to resources. What are you waiting for?
Check out these suggestions for integrating creation care and environmental concerns into your congregation’s Lenten spiritual practices. Lutherans Restoring Creation provides this resource with plenty of links, suggested reading, and good ideas. (Image: Creation Care Summit, Portland Seminary, Creative Commons License)
Environmental advocates say Michael Moore’s film Planet of the Humans misleads people into doubting the integrity and effectiveness of renewable energy sources. What’s the real story? Lutherans Restoring Creation put together a nice package of responses and resources. (Photo: Reza Vaziri, Creative Commons)
Civilization is waking up to the reality that the environment is the Number One issue facing us today. Bring some ecological consciousness into your congregation this Lent. Lutherans Restoring Creation has gathered together a number of great resources for study and exploration. (Photo: NASA, public domain)
Living in Africa for an extended period afforded an American Christian the opportunity to look at climate change from a much different perspective than we typically see in the United States. Brian Konkol’s observations are challenging to us, who live in a nation that has contributed greatly to the problem. (Photo: Roberto Rizzato, Creative Commons)
Another Earth Day come and gone, and your congregation is still on the sidelines? Here’s a helpful guide for the congregation that wants to work to help but doesn’t know how to go about it. Lutherans Restoring Creation have developed this “Congregational Self-Organizing Kit” that will get you well on the road to mobilizing God’s […]