RCL Reflection for September 29, 2019
God’s faithful and generous people recognize that money is a neutral tool that can lead to great good and joy or enormous suffering and woe. It’s all about the attitudes we hold toward money and how we respond to them that make the difference. This week’s lessons offer a great opportunity to preach about right use of resources. (Photo: Alex Cheek, Creative Commons)
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year Three, March 26, 2017
Listen up, dear people of God. You are not invisible to your creator, and neither are your neighbors. We will not find our identity within the malls and halls of consumer culture or by shame, guilt, or duty. Instead, our identity comes through love, by seeing one another as we really are–broken, beautiful, and created in God’s image–and affirming the wealth that comes though that alone. Yes, there is good news for us in the story of Lazarus and the rich man if we but open our eyes to see. (Photo: Seth Stoll, Creative Commons)
True Wealth
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
September 29, 2013
There’s really no way to skirt the issue of wealth, poverty, and economic justice woven throughout this week’s lessons. Here are some thoughts and ideas to help you explore the issues faithfully in preaching, worship, teaching, and with children and youth. (Photo: Cea, Creative Commons. Thanks!)
The Connection Between Money and Happiness
Lectionary Reflection, 18th Sunday after Pentecost, September 26, 2010
Does money equate to happiness? According to the results of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, the answer is yes…to a point. The Christian, however, may want approach this equation from a somewhat different perspective. (Photo by Aart van Bezooyen used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)