RCL reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C. Dec. 22, 2024. The meeting between Mary and Elizabeth stays with us not only because of its uniqueness – two women pregnant with miracle babies – but also because it reveals much about the priorities of God that their sons will bring to birth. Deacon Timothy Siburg explores. (Photo: Garon Piceli, via Pexels)
STIR: Stewardship in Advent
RCL Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent, Year C, Dec. 23, 2018
Yes, this Sunday we light the candle of love. We bring four weeks to perfect completion. What began in the dark with an audacious hope, continued with a longing for peace, and leapt and laughed for joy, now comes full circle with the power of love. For God did so love this world and every molecule and atom in it that God sends the son to dwell among us. (Photo: Joe O’Meara, Creative Commons)
Encountering Incarnation
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 23, 2012
In these dark days, we are invited to encounter the incarnation–not only in the birth of Jesus, but also in communion, in community, and in everyday experiences of the divine. (Photo by Violetta79. Thanks!)