Many churches have lopsided budgets — spending too much in some areas and not enough in others. How can your church achieve a better balance? From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership.

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Many churches have lopsided budgets — spending too much in some areas and not enough in others. How can your church achieve a better balance? From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership.
What if tithes and offerings no longer support your church’s operations? How can you create multiple streams of income? This Q & A from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership explores. Listen or read. (Photo: National Hurricane Center)
Church leaders pray their congregation is stewarding all its resources effectively and making difference, but how do they know? The Lewis Center for Church Leadership discusses some new ways to gauge success. (Photo: Richard Wagoner via Flickr)
Some churches are so close-lipped about money that members may suspect that subject is taboo. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The Lewis Center for Church Leadership shares ideas on how to have productive conversation about money and giving. (Photo: Daniel Dionne, Creative Commons)
How can churches help a new generation of givers skeptical of institutional allegiances embrace the practice of pledging? It’s critical to frame the conversation around spiritual rather than institutional needs. Ann A. Michel of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership makes the case for pledging as a vital spiritual discipline that helps us grow in […]
Churches across the nation are preparing for their stewardship campaigns, but many may mistakenly think the work is done when the pledge cards are collected. Instead, that’s the time to focus on donors that require a little more encouragement, says Ann Michel of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership. (Photo: One Way Stock, Creative Commons)
In the aftershocks of the COVID-19 crisis, many churches face a period of financial reckoning. The Lewis Center for Church Leadership offers eight principles that can help right the ship. They are critical now as the church navigates uncharted territory in the post-pandemic world.
Stewardship ministry can be so much more! Church leaders can approach stewardship and finance in ways that inspire generosity and encourage the sound use of church resources. Hear how in this podcast from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Seminary. (Photo: Alias 0591, Creative Commons)
Your church may have more resources than you think! In this podcast crom the Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Jacqueline Jones-Smith explains how Christ Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, once slated for closure, turned itself around by embracing a more entrepreneurial mindset and taking stock of its physical and human assets.
Wondering how to approach a stewardship campaign in the era of COVID-19? Ken Sloane of the United Methodist Church offers ideas that affirm the importance of the church’s ongoing mission while being sensitive to economic loss, attentive to people’s experiences and stories, and grateful for all gifts. (Photo:, Creative Commons)