Narrative Lectionary for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year Three, June 18, 2017
To be human is to enter into suffering. He or she who denies that fact is a liar. Our world is broken. Sin and death, although ultimately defeated, are nipping at our heels like worrisome little yapping dogs. Even God’s people behave badly and let us down. This is part of what it means to be human in a fallen world. Thankfully, this is not where we stay after a season of lament. God’s hope is ever-present and real.
O Lord, How Long…
Narrative Lectionary Reflection, Year 1, Week 11, November 30, 2014
Dear preacher, this Sunday calls for a prophetic word. As you hold your iPad or newspaper in one hand and your Bible in the other, there is clear between word and world. Can we really afford not to speak out? Can we in good conscience simply gloss over current events, perhaps only lifting up prayer petitions? (Photo: Nana B. Agyei, Creative Commons)