Author and Christian Education Director Heather High-Kennedy ponders the importance of teaching children and youth to be generous without the fanfare and hashtags of social media. “Children and youth today are growing up without a way to envision the concept of Matthew 6:1,” she said. (Photo: Carolyn Clement, Social Media Sunday)
“Discipleship Starter”
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for November 9, 2014 (Year One)
In this short passage from Micah, God gives us some simple ingredients for the life of discipleship. This faith “starter” takes on a life of its own, multiplying, growing, sweetening, and creatively expanding as we share, learn, and walk together. (Photo: Neil Conroy, Creative Commons)
Acts of Kindness Generate Smiles, Warmth
It doesn’t take much to make a difference. Here’s a short YouTube video about a group that gave backpacks filled with useful things to homeless people. Watch what happens. Giving is a two-way street; the giver often receives more in return. (Photo by Ed Yourdon, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)