‘Just Lliving’ Blog
On day 11 of the Snap to it Food Stamp Challenge, our blogger explores the idea that while it’s easy to swipe an EBT card, there’s a high cost attached to dignity; in fact, it’s priceless.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 10
‘Just Living’ Blog
One third of the way through the SNAP Challenge, our blogger ruminates on freedom of choice, how our choices are not value-neutral, and how what we choose makes a difference.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Nine
‘Just Living’ Blog
It’s day nine and our blogger has more questions than answers about hunger and how we address the needs of our sisters and brothers. The issue is a tangled web of increasing complexity.
SNAP to it Challenge–Day Seven
‘Just Living’ Blog
Today our blogger shares some of her story and why she is so committed to issues of poverty, hunger, and justice. The subjects may be controversial but we refuse to dialogue and get to know our neighbors at our own peril.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Six
‘Just Living’ Blog
Day six of the SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge left our blogger both thankful for the bounty of choice she has to maximize her food dollar but concerned that many Americans live in “food deserts.”
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Five
‘Just Living’ Blog
Our blogger just finished day five of the SNAP to it June Food Stamp Challenge and offers some tips for reducing food waste and musings on fried chicken from scratch.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Four
‘Just Living’ Blog
Today is day four of the challenge, and our blogger reports from the road about the pleasures of food, hospitality, and family gatherings.
SNAP to it Foodstamp Challenge–Day Three
‘Just Living’ Blog
It’s day three of the SNAP to it Challange, and our blogger is wondering how we perceive who receive food stamps. Who should judge? What is just? It seems the issue’s not so simple.
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 30
‘Just Living’ Blog
The SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge is history, but the reality is still very much with us. What will you do? What will I do? Better yet, what will WE do?
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day Two
‘Just Living Blog’
On day two of the SNAP to it Foodstamp Challenge our blogger is still going strong but wonders if special order breakfasts may be her undoing. Check out the Website of the Day–Feeding America.