RCL Reflection for Pentecost Sunday Year A, May 31, 2020
I sense, hear, and read about a collective weariness from friends and colleagues. The struggle is real. Come, Holy Spirit! We need your Pentecost winds to blow through our homes and hearts. We need to be equipped, reminded, and then booted into a new reality to actually BE the Body of Christ, the Church for this time. (Photo: Dale Martin, Creative Commons)
Love and Care Spoken Here
RCL Reflection, Pentecost Sunday, Year A, June 4, 2017:
What languages are spoken in your congregation? What message are people hearing? How do you hear the good news? Most importantly, is the language of love infused in every song, every sermon, every handshake and hug? Is love woven into the fibers of ministry and the mission of all disciples? Is love the last word in all you say and do in the name of Jesus? (Photo: Denise Krebs, Creative Commons)
Seeing Red: Word, Wind, and Fire
Lectionary Reflection for the Day of Pentecost, Year A June 8, 2014 When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2 Go ahead! […]