Economic, social and philanthropic trends point to difficulty ahead for congregation funding, Joe Park of Horizons Stewardship writes, but he suggests ways to position your church to cope. (Photo: Steve Jurvetson, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Economic, social and philanthropic trends point to difficulty ahead for congregation funding, Joe Park of Horizons Stewardship writes, but he suggests ways to position your church to cope. (Photo: Steve Jurvetson, Creative Commons)
Capital campaigns can help inspire giving and achieve ministry milestones, but they require careful thought and thorough planning. Joe Parks of Horizons Stewardship identifies questions that church leaders should consider before a campaign. (Photo: Stephen Yeargin,Creative Commons)
An increasing number of church leaders are reporting a slow decline in church giving — both in total dollars and in the number of people giving. Over time, this decline could have a devastating effect on a church’s capacity to fund ministry. Here are three key areas to focus on to embrace God’s preferred future […]