How does our understanding of abundance and scarcity impact our ability to be hospitable? What do generosity and hospitality share? This Episcopal Network for Stewardship video explores. (Photo: Dru Broomfield, Creative Commons)
Dwelling in Christ
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 17, 2016
Like Mary, Martha’s culture-bending sister, we must choose the better part. We must choose to live in the moment, cast our hopes and fears and hurts on Jesus and trust him to guide us home to dwell in the house of God forever. (Photo: lululemon athletica, Creative Commons)
Hospitality is the Key to Church Growth
As church attendance shrinks, wise congregations are reexamining how they welcome and integrate newcomers into community life. It’s not surprising that the congregations doing the best job are the ones growing. From Insights into Religion. (Photo: Dru Broomfield, Creative Commons)
A Living Wage in God’s Economy
Third Week after Pentecost, Year A, June 29, 2014
This week’s lessons offer wonderful possibilities to talk about stewardship of time, resources, relationships, and faith. Ample opportunities to address hospitality and welcome are at hand, as well. Check out our ideas for worship and for time with children and youth, too! (Photo: Intel Free Press, Creative Commons)