Palm/Passion Sunday Lectionary Reflection, March 24, 2013
This Sunday’s worship may be the only bridge some folks have to Easter. What can we do to help folks live this story all week long?
61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Palm/Passion Sunday Lectionary Reflection, March 24, 2013
This Sunday’s worship may be the only bridge some folks have to Easter. What can we do to help folks live this story all week long?
Let’s take a deep breath, stewards, especially those of us who are burdened with the financial stewardship of our institutions. For Holy Week let’s put aside our congregational balance sheets, tables of giving and charts of weekly worship attendance. Lent is the penitential time when Christians take stock of our lives of faith and embrace […]
It was Jesus’ last night on before his execution, and he spent it with those he loved, giving them some of the most powerful teachings of his ministry. That’s what Maundy Thursday is all about. (Photo by Wharman, used by Creative Commons License.)
Lectionary Reflection: March 17, 2008
Holy Week is a busy time for pastors and laypeople alike. Is it too busy?