January’s free stewardship toolkit focuses on stewarding all your gifts to enjoy the life abundant that Jesus promises in John 10:10. Original newsletter article and RCL-based “snippets” for every Sunday bulletin. (Photo: Neil T, Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
January’s free stewardship toolkit focuses on stewarding all your gifts to enjoy the life abundant that Jesus promises in John 10:10. Original newsletter article and RCL-based “snippets” for every Sunday bulletin. (Photo: Neil T, Creative Commons)
Teaching a holistic view of stewardship can be challenging, especially when parishioners may assume stewardship is simply a thinly-veiled appeal for increased offerings. Dr. Nan S. Duerling suggests several easy ways to incorporate year-round stewardship into faith formation for all ages. (Photo: minkymonkeymoo, Creative Commons)