Most of us think about greed as a problem for the super-rich, but it’s actually a pervasive, universal human sin. This Bible study from does an excellent job of describing the perils – and remedies – for greed. (Photo: Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Most of us think about greed as a problem for the super-rich, but it’s actually a pervasive, universal human sin. This Bible study from does an excellent job of describing the perils – and remedies – for greed. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Since Jesus told us, “Be on your guard against all kinds of greed,” it might be a good idea for steward/disciples to learn just what kinds of greed there is in the world. This resource from provides a good survey of Bible verses that explore the depth and dangers of greed.