It happens every year — you buy a gift for someone who doesn’t need anything, just for the sake of buying something. You wind up feeling guilty and empty. But there is a better way. Simple Dollar has some great suggestions for gifts that will show your love without the consumerism. (Jennifer Chait, Creative Commons)
Form a Gift-Acceptance Policy
You never know when your congregation may receive a gift that raises moral, legal or ethical questions, but you can be better prepared if you think through the issues a bit and form a policy. This sample gift-acceptance policy from the United Methodist Church can guide you. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)
Book Review: ‘Gratitude’ by Peter Leithart
Peter Leithart’s new book, titled simply Gratitude: An Intellectual History, takes a sweeping look at gift-giving from ancient to modern times, with particular emphasis on how Christ changed — and continues to influence — the culture and customs surround gifts. Review from (Photo by Tiger Girl, used by Creative Commons license)
Giving That is Blessed, Indeed!
What did Jesus mean when he said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”? Is all giving covered? Paul, who quotes Jesus in Acts 20:35, gives us some important hits in the context. (“In Paris Texas” photo, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Endowment Funds: Hidden Miracle or Hidden Peril
By Duane Englehardt
How well do congregational endowment funds serve God? Can an endowment fund lead to “empowerment”? Many congregations have participated in wills emphasis programs, and the insurance industry has undertaken heavy promotions of gifts through life insurance.