Share this message with your friends and congregation: An inclination to give is written on your soul, no matter how muted it may be by your present concerns or lack of belief. Church Leader Insights explains. (Photo: Creative Commons)

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Share this message with your friends and congregation: An inclination to give is written on your soul, no matter how muted it may be by your present concerns or lack of belief. Church Leader Insights explains. (Photo: Creative Commons)
As Sunday school and youth groups resume for the fall, here is a dynamite Bible study on Malachi 3:10 that offers practical insight into generosity and tithing. From Youth Group Ministries. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Trust and generosity are the cornerstones of ministry. Horizons Stewardship delves into this and explores how ministries can maximize their effectiveness through strategic goal-setting, data analysis, and communication. (Photo: Mark Willylis, Creative Commons)
With advertisers doing their best to convince our kids that they “have to have” the latest Christmas toy, it’s tough for parents to teach about wants vs. needs. But has some ideas. (Photo: Neeta Lind, Creative Commons)
Your Stewardship Toolkit for November — the month for thanksgiving — looks at how practicing gratitude helps develop a heart of generosity. Free newsletter article and weekly bulletin blurbs.
Every church leader would love to develop a church with a culture of robust, faithful generosity. Question is, how? The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas has some key insights!
Generosity can be learned through practice, insight and experience. That’s good news, because generosity helps others and you have a better life. Psychology Today reports. (Photo: Bill McChesney, Creative Commons)
Unless families model and teach generosity in the home, our children may learn toxic ideas about sharing and giving. How can families be intentional about generosity? Here are 10 ways. (Photo: Neeta Lind, Creative Commons)
In this season where the church is challenged in so many areas, we can’t lose our passion for generosity. Biblically rooted generosity and stewardship are an integral parts of making disciples and focusing on the mission God calls us to accomplish. Jim Shepperd of Generis offers some good advice.
Earning just 24 cents per hour as incarcerated persons, a group of inmates saved their money to provide Christmas baskets for less fortunate inmates. We can learn much from their generosity and embodiment of a pure spirit of Christmas.