RCL Lectionary Reflection, Transfiguration Sunday, Year A, February 23, 2020
No matter how you approach the Transfiguration, be sure to offer folks a preview through this story, a small moment of bright hope and promise of the true scope of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Trinity. Help them to pay attention, to see God at work in the world. Photo: Derek M. Swanson, Creative Commons)
Transfigured or Transmogrified: It’s ALL about Change
Lectionary Reflection for Tranfiguration Sunday, Year A, February 26, 2017
Change is all around us, and a lot of it is downright terrifying. The question is how are we going to deal with it? Will we expect the magical, fantastic change of transmogrification? Or, will we be willing to persist and accept the hard, slow, life-giving change of transfiguration? (Photo: Kathleen Dagostino, Creative Commons)