Earth is in trouble—from global climate change, the pollution of air, land, and water, and much more. As people of faith, we believe that the degraded ecological condition is in part a spiritual problem. And as people of faith, we can work to educate about, advocate for and model a new ways of looking at God’s creation. This manual will explain how. (Photo Photo by Aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license.)
A Beloved Community: Christian Mission in an Ecological Age
The planet is facing major ecological problems: global warming, loss of species diversity, loss of forests and arable land, disposal of garbage and toxic waste, pollution of air, land, and water, over-population, depletion of non-replaceable natural resources, diminution of food sources, ocean acidification and collapse of fisheries, among others. And the survival of creation as we humans have known it is at stake. Here are five principles for a Christian response. (Photo by NASA)
The Church’s Call to Environmental Stewardship
Many people throughout the church are concerned about ecological issues. The health and well-being of our planet affects everyone. What does the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of his church, have to offer a world concerned about its natural environment? (NASA photo taken by astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon.)