Along with Christmas, Easter is the most-attended Sunday of the year. As such, it presents a great opportunity to not only preach the Gospel but also increase donations. Horizons Stewardship offers tips.

61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6286
Along with Christmas, Easter is the most-attended Sunday of the year. As such, it presents a great opportunity to not only preach the Gospel but also increase donations. Horizons Stewardship offers tips.
Easter is one of two Sundays when you can count on a larger-than usual crowd in church, so it’s wise to think plan for a big offering. But how? Writing in The Stewardship Journal, Mark Brooks offers some insights. (Photo: Creative Commons)
Because Easter brings more people to church than any other occasion besides Christmas, it offers an ideal time to invite folks to contribute to the congregation’s finances. Vanco offers 15 ideas. (Photo: Bigstockphoto)
Because Christ rose from the grave, we also walk in newness of life. April’s free Stewardship Toolkit explores the implications for steward-disciples, with a newsletter article and RCL-based Sunday bulletin blurbs. (Photo: Neil T, Creative Commons)