Earth Day, April 22, is only a weeks away! Start planning now to observe it with education, worship and hands-on activities. SOLI has compiled a number of great sites and resources to fit any context! (Photo: Aussiegal, Creative Commons)
Earth Sunday 2021 ideas for worship, study, education and action
Multiple environmental crises present existential threats to our planet. Educate and motivate God’s people by designating an “Earth Sunday” or “Creation Sunday.” With Earth Day, April 22, falling on a Thursday, either Sunday of April 18 or 25 (or both!) would be perfect. Here are resources!
For Earth Day 2021 study care for God’s creation
Here’s a gem of a teaching tool you can use for your congregation’s Earth Day celebration: “Awakening to God’s Call to Earthkeeping.” Produced by the ELCA, this 50-page curriculum covers a wide variety of topics in four sessions. We all need to “awaken” as the world’ environmental crises become more severe. Free PDF. (ELCA photo)
Happy 50th, Earth Day! We need you more than ever!
Earth Day 1970 was part of a movement that galvanized public opinion to demand action to clean up pollution. As God’s people celebrate 50 years of Earth Day, we need to harness that kind of energy to fight today’s climate crisis. From SOLI editor Rob Blezard. (Photo: Weaverbl, Creative Commons)
How about an Earth Day digital teach-in?
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and the first fully digital celebration thanks to COVID-19. As long as your faith community is gathering online, why not host an Earth Day teach-in about climate change? Visit the Earth Day website for this and many more helpful resources. (Photo: Kate Ter Haar, Creative Commons)
Earth Sunday resources for worship and education
Earth Day, April 22, falls on a Sunday this year, so why not plan a special Earth Sunday worship? You can make it a celebration of the natural environment, or maybe an old-fashioned blessing of the seeds and soil. Here are some links to resources for worship and education.
A Few Choice Words
RCL Reflection, 4th Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 22, 2018
Three simple words, LOVE, GOOD, and JESUS, are woven into our lessons today, and my prayer for you as you preach and teach is that you will weave them in ways that take root in those who hear them. May they be water for thirsty souls, bread for the hungry heart, and wine for the wounded spirit. (Photo: Jeff Djevdet, Creative Commons)
Plan a ‘Creation Sunday’ Celebration
This April 22 marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Why not celebrate the occasion with a special Earth Sunday or Creation Sunday worship on the April 19 or April 26? You can make it a celebration of the natural environment, or possibly a blessing of the seeds, farms, orchards, gardens and fields. Why not preach on how we must take better care of God’s good earth. Here are some places to get ideas and resources.
Rogation: Celebration of seedtime
Rogation is the Eastertide celebration of the fields and orchards during planting time. Why not use it as a way to honor the earth at Springtime? It’s traditionally held the sixth week of Easter, but anytime’s appropriate to honor the processes of life. Here is a Rogation Service you can adapt for your own context: […]
Stewardship as a Human Vocation
In this essay, Douglas John Hall explores stewardship of creation by asking the age-old question, “What are human beings for.” He rejects the pessimism of those who say the crisis is beyond hope, and instead he finds hope in Christ. (Photo by aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)