No time in the church year besides Christmas presents a better opportunity for invitation and outreach. Is your congregation ready? This article from offers commonsense advice for making the most of Christmas. (Photo: Son of Groucho, Creative Commons)
Teach congregants how (and why) to tithe
People ask, “How much should I give?” A answer is simply 10 percent of income. Controversial, yes, but it has biblical roots. This thoughtful essay from explains how you can teach congregants about tithing. (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)
Four biblical tips for better time management
God made us each different but gave us the same number of hours in a day and days in a year. But God also gave us guidelines for how to spend this most precious commodity. explores what the bible says about time management.
Consider the 10-10-80 method of money management
The 10-10-80 plan for personal money management offers a simple idea for organizing your finances. As this article from explains, it can be a not only a handy way to budget, but the foundation for a Christian lifestyle as well.
Learn the value of healthy Christian friendships
Real friends – not the online and social media kind – bring a lot into our lives, especially if they are friends are faith. Here are some tips for how to build strong friendships. From (Photo: Pexels)
5 Life-changing gratitude lessons from St. Paul
November is the month of thanksgiving, so take a deep dive into what the Apostle Paul says about gratitude and the Christian life. Paul describes it as a core element of faith. From (Photo: Vistamommy, Creative Commons)
Teach the Biblical ‘Truth about Wealth’
Many Christians mistakenly believe that Jesus and the witness of the Bible is anti-wealth. But a closer examination shows a teaching about not only the perils but also the opportunities and responsibilities of money. From
Three principles of biblical financial planning
Lots of faithful people struggle with money, especially in an unsettled economy climate like today’s. But three clear principles can help families get on track and stay there. From
What the Bible actually says about your wealth
Perfect for self-study or small-group exploration, this article from gives a handy overview of Scripture references about money and wealth. It draws practical guidance for a walk of faith. (Photo: John Guccione, Pexels)
Five lessons from Paul on the benefits of giving
Paul urged his readers to make giving a natural and regular part of their Christian walk. He saw it as a way for believers to care for each other and to stay unified in purpose. Here, from, are five lessons for your consideration.